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Old 08-07-2006, 10:38 AM   #53
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sorry, it just amazes me that someone who can sound so smart can be swayed into believing anything as long as it shows the gov't is out to get us.

I've presented arguments but you pretty much just ignore them...tell me how explosives can survive being crashed into by a jumbo jet and sit in an inferno without going off? They had to have been on that floor, that pic/vid I posted shows the collapse beginning at that exact point. The pic also shows that the top part of the tower did lean as it fell, but not enough for you I guess. So not only did these explosives survive a plane crash and subsuquent fire, but they also were able to go off and bring the building down at exactly the same time, AND they went off starting at the impact point in order to make the top part of the tower lean as it fell.

And I guess 911 call centers have no idea what time they receive a call? The first time I heard it it was just audio, I had to do a search real quick and found it w/ that video, sorry if that somehow makes it hard for you to hear the building collapsing with out explosives going off first.

Your open mindedness seems to go out the windw when the issue of the gov't not being out to get you is at hand.
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