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Old 08-04-2006, 07:14 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by GT40FIED
Do you really think an entity as massive as the federal government doesn't have experts in strictural engineering and similar fields? Ever heard of the Army Corps Of Engineers? Seems like they might know a thing or two about...oh, I

huh?? I stated that if the intent of the gov't was to make a building collapse w/ controlled demolition while having it look like the result of a terrorist attack, wouldn't they talk to those experts and find out how the building should fall? So then they could plant their explosives or whatever appropriately.

but no according to you and others whom I'm sure have no solid background in the area think they left that part of the plan out and just blew it up. since you're saying (with your all your expertise) that the building should've fallen another way.

now that i think about it when there's a controlled demolition w/ explosives, the building doesn't fall the exact INSTANT the explosives are set off which is what you're saying must have happened or else it'd be pretty damn obvious. furthermore when I listened to the 911 recordings I didn't hear any explosives going off just the rumble of a building begining to collapse and the screaming voices of those about to die.
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