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Old 08-03-2006, 07:48 PM   #23
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
Age: 42
Posts: 7,451
Two quick things I forgot -

First of all....Wren...I'd just like to remind you that they guy you voted for for president was EXACTLY the kind of guy who was drunk at 10am long after he was my age, so there's hope for me yet. Then again...I'm getting better grades than he did.

And Rob...go check out . It's members include such "crazies" as a former deputy attorney general, former director of the "Star Wars" defense program, and one guy whose resume includes "Former assistant German defense minister, director of the German Secret Service, minister for research and technology, and member of Parliament for 25 years". Surely these people are all certifiable. Not to mention the countless other professors, lawyers, and experts in their field listed as founding members.
1984 1/2 Mustang GT350 #842, Faster than you...nuff said

Anna Fan Club President/Dictator

Someday, in the event that mankind actually figures out what it is that this world actually revoles around, thousands of people are going to be shocked and perplexed that it was not them. Sometimes this includes me.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." - George Orwell

Welcome to the new Amerika
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