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Old 08-03-2006, 07:25 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Wren57
Wonderful attacking and arrogant response, Steve. Drunk at 9:45AM? Model citizen, you are... THANK GOD we have people like you that know how to run the country better than our leaders, else we'd be fucked... oh, wait, apparently you aren't in office so maybe you don't?

As far as me joining the military, I met with a Navy recruiter yesterday to discuss my options of flight school or law school. I scored perfect on every Navy math test and near perfect on every Navy logic test, so these are my two best-fitting options. These are slots filled by officers, and being an officer requires a college degree, so no, I won't leave for an enlisted rank when I have the ability to become an officer in just one more year. Think I'm kidding, call LCDR O'loghlin @ Milton Navy Air Field in Florida. And don't give me any of this "real service" bullshit... you haven't served, so STFU. Just because I'm not going through ROTC on contract doesn't mean I won't serve just the same as they will after college. Please tell me the difference between "real service" and what I'm doing. Is the only difference that I don't NEED the gov't? That makes me a bad person? Well damn, I guess I don't NEED the gov'ts help but I'm going to fight for this country anyway instead of running one of the family businesses, yeah, thats right... I'm giving up an oppurtunity to be CEO right out of college to fight for my country, so if you give me any more of this bullshit I'll make sure to drop a laser-bomb on your retarded Kansas ass first chance I get.

I DO derive my own conclusions about things, and I do NOT agree with your ideas. It is not I that have to prove you wrong, for your opinion is the one of dissent... the burden of proof rests upon you, and you have come up with nothing other than conspiracies and things you've read on the internet. Yeah, thats much more informative than reading 2 newspapers a day and watching the news regularly... have I mentioned my roomates include a hippie and a liberal law-school student, and that my best friend is also a law-school student? I don't hang out with republicans hardly at all.

I really wish I could continue this now, but unlike some I'm not "privledged" enough to drink at 11am and must get back to work on some databasing issues...

Really? You're going to drop a laser bomb on Kansas? Hmmm...I'm not sure that such an attitude embodies the kind of nobility the Navy aspires for. That...and it would pretty much make you a terrorist as well. I'm not really sure where you drew the conclusion that all I did was copy and paste stuff from online, but I assure you thaty ou and Rob are dead wrong. And even if I had, does that make them any less true than something in a newpaper? "0h n0z! Nothing on the internet can possibly be true...evAr!". Did I feel as stupid typing that as you did thinking it? And bravo on watching a bunch of bullshit-laden biased news programs. No...really...cheers. I'm also pretty sure that you being a CEO straight out of college back up my point whether you're "giving it up" or not (trust'll still be there when you get out of the Navy). That should really prepare you for the world of politics...a high level position that you didn't have to work for. Everything's coming up roses.

Oh...and just a quick note...I'm sure you'd like to think I woke up and started drinking today, but let's just say I had a long night. You're right...I was drunk at 9:45 this morning...but I wasn't drinking then. Besides, no class and no work today. Who cares?

Originally Posted by AzCivic
where the HELL are your "facts" you just copied some retarded rant about software that, like everyother stupid little consipiracy theory, is all over the internet. YOU ARE NOT A PILOT AND YOU ARE NOT A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER nothing you say is a fact and copying it off another retarded website doesn't make anything you spout true. YOU HAVE NO PROOF. I at least have some common sense on my side. Common sense says that a pilot has the final say when it comes to what his aircraft will do incase he has to take drastic measures to save everyone on boards damn life.

YES YOUR ARGUMENT IS WEAK with nothing to support it. Maybe if you take some advanced physics/math classes you'll begin to understand a little about complex structures and that how they behave under extreme situations can't be summed up in a kids math book.

Educate myself? What conspiracy wack job websites do you recommend? Certainly thats where all your "facts" come from.

Think I already covered the copy and paste bullshit. I honestly will look into the thing you posted there however, I do see a flaw. If a pilot can choose to override the system and maneuvers that would require them to need to override the system would have to be sudden and swift, what's the point? I'm not saying it's not possible, but by the time it could be disabled, wouldn't you already have hit whatever you were trying to avoid? Anyway, I digress.

Moving right along, I really don't see you disagreeing with anything besides the flight software thing. The arguments aren't weak, you just don't like them. And while I doubt that Galileo's law of falling bodies is in any kids math book, you haven't offered any substance to the contrary. You know what...I'll even stop using the word "facts" just to make you happy. Offer up evidence of another theory that can refute anything I've typed (aside from the software thing which was good...I'll look into it).
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