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Old 08-03-2006, 09:46 AM   #25
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Originally Posted by Wren57
AZ, all Steve really wants is you to admit theres a *possibility that the gov't is out to get you... then the fall down the rabbit hole starts until you turn out just as looney as he.

<- not debating this topic again, done dozens of times on this and other forums

You know what Wren...I feel that I've had enough alcohol to conclusively state that you may just be a retarded fuck up who's only gotten where he is in life by virtue of his parent's money. You can't provide a scrap of evidence that I'm wrong so you'll just call me "looney". Fuck you and all of your young republican friends. If it makes you feel safe to ignore evidence, good for you. You can just sit by while the country you sycophantically claim to love so much goes to hell. You're a fucking puppet and I know it scares the shit out of you to know that.

Earlier in this thread you provoked Darin to "do something about it", by which you meant joining the armed forces, if he didn't like the way things were. I challenge you to do the same. I know you "plan on" military service, but why wait? Leave college today. The war is here and now. I know you and all of you ROTC buddies sit around and talk about those who won't sign up like they're second class while you stand no chance of any danger. The sad fact is that while your parents pay for your college and most likely your rent, car (well, ok...I know they paid for your car), and miscellaneous other things, many of the people currently serving in REAL combat situations NEED the government to pay up for the luxury that your parents bought you into. They don't have rich mommies and daddies to bail them out of REAL service. claim that all I want Rob to claim that there's a possiblity that the government is fucked up and corrupt as shit and from there it's a proverbial slippery slope downhill. How about you claiming that you're nothing but a sheep with no real ideas of your own? Both premises have about as much merit. All I really want is for people to look at the evidence for themselves. If they do and they still come to the same conclusion that they did before, that's fine. They can provide evidence to the contrary (although no one ever does). It's one thing to be educated on an issue, but it's quite another to dismiss just because your feeble brain can't comprehend it.

So, in closing, prove me wrong, or shut the fuck up. Unlike many of the other people you claim to have discussed this with on other message boards, I'm smarter than you and you can't win this one (on this topic at the very least), so get bent.
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