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Old 08-01-2006, 05:02 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by AzCivic
but really if someone wanted to go to war for whatever reason there are far easier ways to do it then killing numerous innocent civilians with jet liners. And if they were that devious why wouldn't they just plant whatever they were looking for in Iraq? Really, use some common sense.

anyways, thought we already had this debate?

That may be true, but we already had a plan on the books for that sort of thing. Back in Macnamara-era Washington, the government drafted Operation Northwoods. Essentially it was a plan to detonate an empty passenger plane full of "college students" (in reality they'd be mannequins) over Cuban airspace, blame the "tragedy" on the Cubans, and use it as a pretext for going to war with Cuba. I mean don't let a plan like that just go to waste.

There may be easier ways of going to war, but few involve the kind of thunderous support that 9/11 invoked from the public at large. At least until people started finding out that the story was bullshit. Hell, one survey showed that 85% of the military in Iraq still think that the official reason they're there is to get revenge for 9/11. As for why we didn't just plant shit in Iraq, we didn't have to. What's the point? Once we're there and stubborn as shit not to leave, why go to all the trouble of planting evidence? All the had to do was come out and say "oops...we messed up, but we're still gonna fight this thing out" and the majority of America just sat back and went "oh...well...that seems reasonable".

And we've had this discussion before, but it's never a real debate. Myself and a few others present facts and the response I get is always "Nope...the government said this and I believe them because I have apparently had a frontal labotomy and am incapable of independent thought. Plus why would the government lie about anything ever? LOLZ!" without any real solid evidence to the contradict anything.
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