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Old 08-01-2006, 01:58 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by GT40FIED
You know what I find at least mildly amusing? A lot of people insist the folks in Pyeongyang don't pose a deliberate or capable threat to us, yet they were just fine with attacking Iraq. North Korea may be a few years off from being capable of launching any sort of ICBM, but Iraq had to be at least a couple DECADES away from such technology. Hell...Iran is MUCH more of a threat than Iraq ever was, but we're treating them with kid gloves. Sounds perfectly logical to me. Can you imagine what the world would be like now if Bush had been president during the Cuban Missle Crisis? His "don't mess with Texas" mentality and bravado would've gotten millions of people killed.

And Wren...there's plenty of proof that the government had knowledge of 9/11 beforehand. After all...they planned and excecuted it (or at the very least sat back and allowed it to happen) as leverage to trick the nation into an illegal war that no one sane supported. Now this is where everyone calls me some crazy conspiracy theorist because it makes them feel better. Whatever. If you REALLY looked into some of the discrepancies and evidence found in contradiction of the government's official story, maybe you'd be a little better informed.

I was having a conversation with my friend who's home on leave from Iraq last week and we came to the conclusion that if we (America) didn't have American Idol and other bullshit, we'd all go insane. America has completely lost touch with reality.

like steve said they did have the knowledge, they admitted to it. Also the fact the day of 9/11 the airforce rerouted all of their defenses to the other side of the country of something so there were around or less than 10 jets within range to protect the eastern united states doesn't exactly help me beleive they didn't know it was going to happen, or that they didn't have involvement.

Pyschological warfare is a nasty reality.

hell the owner of the trade center took out some retardedly huge insurance policy ont he towers a week or so before 9/11.
Gold was removed from the towers before 9/11 and was found abandoned in a tunnel.
bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the trade centers a few days prior to 9/11 (september 6th to be precise)
Marvin bush (guess whos brother) was a "principle" of a security company that worked fro WTC, Dulles airport, and United Airlines. a few days prior to 9/11 he transferred to another company.
Workers of WTC were not allowed to enter certain parts of the buildings a few days prior to 9/11.

and Wren, you haven't always been maturity embodied in the past
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