Thread: bitches...
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Old 07-11-2006, 11:21 PM   #10
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Age: 39
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well, long story short... girl I dated last summer wanted to date me again this summer but I kinda can't because if I do then I'd really fall for her, and she moves away again Aug5. So like two weeks ago when I got back from Greece I told her we couldn't really date... well we've been hanging out occassionally, including last wednesday night. She was supposed to come see me friday night and prob stay with me, but after not hearing from her until late fri. night I sent her a txt msg asking if she was coming. She just responded "no going to lakehouse" so I sent back "have fun." Well, yesterday she changed her myspace status to "In a Relationship", and apparently the guy is 25. She turns 18 in a few weeks... and I thought me being 21 talking to her was wrong... wow, simply wow. Anyway I've blocked all means of her contacting me, told her I'm glad shes happy and wish her the best, but all I'm getting from her is "why are you trying to make me feel bad?" and "why are you trying to hurt me?" voicemails... wtf?

And she used to be such a nice girl, and I tried being a nice guy and sparing us both hurt by getting attached and having to move away after a few weeks... not really sure what happened to her. Just serves me right for actually trying to be nice and look out for a girl while protecting my own feelings.

Anyway, enough ramblings for a Tuesday night, I'm skipping work and hitting the beaches tomorrow. Peace, niggas! (watching chappelle)
yeah, its that big

Last edited by Wren57 : 07-16-2006 at 08:03 PM.
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