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Old 07-04-2006, 02:28 PM   #17
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 612
Originally Posted by GT40FIED
He's got a point Rob. You tend to see the things in extreme versions of black and white. If you've never had a girl cheat on you, my hats off. If you have, you'll know there's a certain joy to be taken when someone turns around and gives her a taste of her own medicine. There's nothing mean or vindictive about's just watching things come full circle. For instance, speaking hypothetically, say you were dating a girl who'd cheated on her boyfriend to be with you. Would you expect her to NOT cheat on you? Well...if you wouldn't expect that, you're an idiot.

I'm whole-heartedly in agreement with Derek. You should never take pity upon those who have wronged you when the tables turn against them. I'm a firm believer in the fact that once you love someone you can never truely hate them, but that doesn't mean you can't relish in their demise at their own hands. It's sort of a reap what you sow sorta thing.

I understand where Jer is coming from, but I truly think its just anger. His ex-wife has made a serious mistake, one that cannot be corrected.

I also understand what you're trying to say wiht your explain, however its often hard to judge someone on their past. Alot of people learn from their pasts and others don't. Without individually judging each situation you cannot understand.

In your example one might assume the girl would cheat again, however maybe she learned the pain that came with that. It's not always as black/white or as simple as just one thing.

As for the black/white comment, its just my opinion. Maybe you're right, I often do have a polorized position. Just dont think that should encourage otehrs to wish me poorly so they can take joy from it.
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