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Old 12-18-2005, 11:03 AM   #7
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Hey thanks for the info.

I've actually already done a bunch of research... if I had the money earlier it would prob. be done by now...

I'm just so busy at work that I blocked out tons that I learned before... lol.

Anyway the 944 turbo's I was looking at have no internal wastegate which I like cuz that way I can choose to overspool it, or not, a little more accurately than with the internal wastegates..

I've also found that most of the used turbos' I've seen usually have cracking around the internal wastegate which is gunna lead to longer spool times and possible in accurate boost which I DON"T like the idea of...

I have a few stock bosch BOV's which are already set up to be basically silent so I may just use those but I don't know exactly how much boost those hold.

I am including the laptop in the 2k budget... and titanium retanairs but I'm gunna get a cheap used laptop nothing special.

anybody know of a good reference that rates the different stock turbos??

I know that saab aero's had highpressure turbine housings but the same exhaust as the others so it's like a factory t3/t4 but I think it's internally wastegated to 12psi...

Eh I'm prob just going to see what I can get... first step would be to call my old employer and see if he'll hook me up with one then I can go from there...

I know that I'd DEFINATELY like the newer saab turbos' since they look like with an adapter plate they'd line up PERFECT in a honda with a HF manifold. And the downpipe curves to exit centered so it'll prob. meet up with the exhaust pretty easy too.

Oh and turbo timer I'm prob. just going to get an alarm with it built in. kill 2 birds so to speak.

I gotta start writing this down and trying to plan it out clearly from the start...

I also have soo much I want to do I have to prioritise.


Anyway thanks for the input. Keep it coming.
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