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Old 12-10-2005, 08:26 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
Age: 42
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"War Of The Worlds" is boring and shitty

I just downloaded this and I want my bandwidth back. Where to start? First of all, Tom Cruise is not only a scientologist asshole, but the worst "hero" I've ever seen. He treats his kids in the movie like shit whilst pretending that he loves them. Bullshit. The special effects are ho-hum and the plot is as predictable as anything M. Night Shamylan ever made even if you didn't see the original movie or read the book. Dakota Fanning should've had the lead role here but Cruise somehow squeaked by in that capacity (I suspect he gave several producers hummers...and not the cars). Then the end hits you with all the force of a mushroom tat (for those not in the know, that's when you slap someone in the face with a limp dick) and all the bad guys die. Talk about a deus en machina. It's shit. Utter and complete shit. Speilberg should be ashamed of himself. Next watch for me to explain the 100 or so reasons the original King Kong was better than the trite remake.
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