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Old 11-04-2005, 01:57 PM   #255
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[The living room. The boys reach the sofa and hop up to sit on it. Chef's parents sit across from them on the love seat. An uneasy silence follows]

Chef's dad: Well, aren't you crackers just cute as the dickens?

Stan: You're Chef's parents?

Chef's mom: Yes, all his life.

Kyle: We have to talk to him!

Chef's dad: Well, he should be out now directly.

Chef's mom: Oh, he's so excited about the wedding now.

Chef's dad: Say, would you crackers like to hear about the time we saw
the Loch Ness monster?

Stan: No, that's okay.

Chef's dad: Ooh, it must've been about seven, eight years ago. Me and the little lady was out on this boat, you see, all alone at night, when all of a sudden this huge creature, this giant crustacean from the paleolithic era, comes out of the water.

Chef's mom: We was so scared, Lord have mercy, I jumped up in the boat and I said "Thomas, what on earth is that creature?!"

Thomas: It stood above us looking down with these big red eyes,-

Chef's mom: Oh, it was so scary!

Thomas: -and I yelled. I said, "What do you want from us, monster?!" And the monster bent down and said, "…Uh I need about tree-fitty." [a long silence follows]

Kyle: What's tree-fitty?

Thomas: Three dollars and fifty cents.

Chef's mom: Tree-fitty.

Stan: He wanted money?

Thomas: That's right. I said "I ain't giving you no tree-fitty you goddamn Loch Ness monster! Get your own goddamn money!"

Chef's mom: I gave him a dollar.

Thomas: She gave him a dollar.

Chef's mom: I thought he'd go away if I gave him a dollar.

Thomas: Well of course he's not gonna go away, Nellie! You gave him a dollar, he's gonna assume you got more!

[Chef's house. Thomas is still telling the story…]

Thomas: And that was the third time we saw the Loch Ness monster. Then one time, I believe it was July-

Nellie: August.

Thomas: -August. There's a knock on the door. I open it, and there's this cute little girl scout-

Nellie: And she was so adorable, with the little pig tails and all.

Thomas: -And she says to me, "How would you like to buy some cookies?" And I said "Well, what kind do you have?" She had thin mints, graham crunchy things-

Nellie: Raisin oatmeal.

Thomas: -Raisin oatmeal, and I said "We'll take a graham crunch. How much will that be?" And she looks at me and she says, "…Uh I need about tree-fitty."

Nellie: …Tree-fitty.

Thomas: Well, it was about that time that I notice that girl scout was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era.

Nellie: The Loch Ness monster.

Thomas: I said, "Dammit monster! Get off my lawn! I ain't giving you no tree-fitty!" It said, "how about just two-fitty?" I said, "Oh, now it's only two-fitty!! What?! Is there a sale on Loch Ness munchies or something?!"
Nellie: Lord, he was angry.

Thomas: Damn right, I was angry!

Nellie: Not you, the monster. He was about to kick your ass.

Thomas: Aah, shut your mouth, woman!

Stan: Uh, could you just tell Chef we were here?

Thomas: Sure. That crazy old monster [Stan, Kyle, and Kenny walk out] Now, then the fourth time I saw the…

[King Jimmy's Buffet. A banner spans the front of the restaurant, saying, "Clsoed for Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Party." Chef, his family, Veronica, and other guests are present. Soft jazz plays in the background.]

Thomas: Could I have your attention please? [the guests quiet down and the music stops] Tomorrow, my son is gonna get married to a beautiful lady. [sniffles] I'm very happy for them both. [sobs] Ooh there I go! I told myself I wasn't gonna cry, now.

Chef: It's okay, pop.

Nellie: Thomas, you're gonna get me going now. [sobs]

Thomas: Oh, I remember when Chef was just a three-year-old little man. He came running up to me with a big smile and his little chef's hat on, and he said, "Poppa, poppa!" I said "What do you need, Chef, my boy?", and he said, "…I need about tree-fitty."

Nellie: …Tree-fitty.

Thomas: Well, it was about that time I got suspicious. I said, "Chef, why do you need tree-fitty?" He said, "My imaginary friend Goo-Goo the dinosaur wants it." I went to my son's room, and sure enough, there was the Loch Ness monster!

Nellie: Oh, it was scary!

Thomas: I said, "Dammit monster! You stop bugging my children now! We work for our money in this house and we don't give money away!"
[King Jimmy's Buffet.]

Thomas: So I chased the monster down the street, you see…

[First Church of South Park. A banner above the lower cross reads "Congratulations Chef and Veronica." People are streaming in for the wedding]

Kyle: Ah man! I can't keep my eyes open. [Cartman is nodding off, too]
Stan: We can't fall asleep. We gotta nail that song. [turns to Cartman] You got the tape recorder, Cartman? Cartman?? [taps him]

Kyle: He's asleep. Wake up fatass!

Cartman: [rattled] What what what?

Stan: God-damnit! You can't fall asleep.

Cartman: I wasn't sleeping, I was just thinking really hard!

Thomas: [telling his tale to Randy and Sharon] …And then these aliens had me up on their ship, right? They was probing me and all that.

Nellie: We had taco salad that night.

Thomas: Don't matter what we had for dinner woman! Now this alien had a big head and big black eyes, and it was all bent over me. I said, "What do you want from me, alien?!" and do you know what he said?

Nellie: Tree-fitty.

Thomas: Uh. Let me tell the damn story now! He said, "tree-fitty." And so I realized I that it wasn't no alien, it was that God-damned Loch Ness monster again, trying to trick me into giving him tree-fitty by dressing up like an alien. Don't that just beat all?!

Nellie: I had just given him tree-fitty the week before.

Thomas: What?! You gave that monster another damn tree-fitty?!

Nellie: [somewhat defensive] He tricked me.

Thomas: Well no wonder the damn monster keeps coming back to our house! You keep giving it tree-fitty!

[Inside, Stan and Kyle try to get Cartman's attention again]

Stan: Come on Cartman!

Cartman: [pressing every button on the tape player] I can't see anything!

Kenny: [tries to help] (Wait…) [the succubus lands on Kenny, breaking the pew in half. Kenny is dead under her feet]

Stan: Oh my God! She killed Kenny!

Kyle: You bastard!

Nellie: [with a stick, runs at the succubus] You damn monster! Get away from my baby!

Thomas: [reaching into his pocket] Hold on, now, I'll see if I have tree-fitty!

[The optometrist's office. Cartman walks in with a large ice box. His bandages are off. Now we know why he wasn't at school with Stan and Kyle.]

Dr. Lott: Oh, hello, piggy. How are your eyes doing?

Cartman: After today they're gonna be fine, and I'll never have to see you ever again!

Dr. Lott: I don't think that's possible, piggy, not with your eyes.

Cartman: No, not with my eyes. With these! [takes Kenny's frozen head out of the box to show the eyes] Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Dr. Lott: Was he an organ donor?

Cartman: Eh-sure.

Dr. Lott: All right, then let's get to work. [Cartman gets in the chair, and the optometrsit pulls out Kenny's left eye] Say, you don't have three dollars and fifty cents on you, do you?
Originally Posted by GT40FIED
If some girl's going to wrongly accuse me of domestic violence, I'm gonna make it worth the trip to jail and punch her in the fucking throat.
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