Thread: City in Chaos
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Old 09-02-2005, 01:56 AM   #5
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Originally posted by KwikR6

It's fucking stupid because all these "looters" are doing is hurting themselves. I can't figure out why people at this time would do that. Remember how the nation came together at 9/11? Well I would say that now would be the time to come together. Not split. I really hope any decent human being is outta there. And all the trash take care of themselves.

Hell...I'm starting to think this may be worse than 9/11. That was a few buildings (not trying to downplay 9/11, but in reference to scale), this is a major metropolitan area. I can't think of a single other time in American history when a city of this size had to be completely evacuated. The fact that some fucking crotch gobblins are taking opportunity of other people's loss and suffering just goes to show you that they have no sense of dignity or community. How 'bout this...put down that plasma screen and the gun and go help someone off of their fucking roof. Or put that gun to good use and shoot whoever is trying to snipe national guard members while they're evacuating hospitals. Those reporters aren't much help, either. Hows aboot you put that fucking mic down, take your eyes off the ratings meter, and go help someone you self centered cyst of a human being. Just say goodbye to New Orleans. Even if it's rebuilt (which could take months or even years), don't expect a whole lot of people back.
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