Thread: I petition....
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Old 08-20-2005, 06:55 PM   #1
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I petition.... stop petitions
from time to time I've seen these online petitions for various things, the most recent one has been to lower gas prices...please...seriously....the people that make these petitions don't understand the economical issues that come with the rising prices for fuel.
the reason gas prices have pretty much skyrocketed is because it now costs the united states $65 to get ONE barrel. Where as before the war it cost around $20.
now I can guarantee that most of those people on that list own heavy duty big ass over done trucks that now cost them at least $60 to fill's a word of advice...stop bitching, sell the monstrosity because they do make hybrid cars now that run in the numbers of 60mpg.
also petitions aren't even looked at. Whom ever finally gets ahold of one knows one thing, if they don't change what the petition asks for....those who signed it won't do shit but complain. Those who signed and complained will eventually forget about it and move on.

but since everyone likes to make petitions
I say we make a petition for the cease of petitions

I'll start

1. Darin Yatsui - 19 years old - FL (suck it you whiney bitches :-p)

/end rant
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