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Old 08-05-2005, 07:26 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2001
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A question of philosophy

So I was watching this documentary this morning called "Soldiers In The Army Of God" or something of the sort. It followed a bunch of folks (who I am embarassed to say live in my general vicinity) who were all about killing abortion doctors because they thought god wanted them to and blah blah blah. Basically they were seriously mentally ill (whether you're for or against abortion, I think any logical person can agree that murder is wrong). So my question is as follows...and I will use these folk's line of logic. They claim that murdering doctors is morally correct and a-ok with god since they're killing a murderer. Fair enough. My question is that if I learned of a plot to kill a doctor who performed abortions and I in turn set out to kill the person who wished to kill the doctor, would I be wrong? I mean, by their logic, I'd be killing someone who was going to it'd be ok, right? I mean, if the protection of life extends to all living things, even those not born yet, surely it would be justified for me to kill a candidate for psychiatric confinement who planned on murdering a doctor, eh? I'm just wondering if this line of logic is fallible or if it is, as I suspect, complete and total bullshit.

Remember...thou shalt not kill. BAM, end of discussion.
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