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Old 08-04-2005, 12:28 PM   #11
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Ok I see where you're coming from... although STILL not the worst customer service situations I've heard of...

I've heard a women say as I was sweeping the lot of a gas station I worked at (full time nights while attending the SAME H.S. as her son (also having a higher gpa than her son)) to her son...
"See honey that's why you finish highschool"

I've had people who checked their OWN oil come back after not putting on their OWN oil cap and try to blame it on me...

We had a 300lb PLUS guy fall on our "excessively slippery" pavement DURING A SNOW STORM sue us for not properly removing the snow (it was shovelled then salted every 20 mins.) because his fat ass fell over.

But since we're on the subject of hotels... here's 2 for you.

1. I was visiting schools in boston with my mom at the aforementioned hotel that a family friend managed... we found a DILDO and porno mags under the tv stand... forget rotten apples...

2. here's a link to a funny pic I just saw from some site... it's a letter to a ex-hotel guest that forget something at the hotel...
I am an A$$hole... take anything I say to heart at YOUR OWN RISK...
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