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Old 03-10-2005, 12:24 PM   #5
Thought Police
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Join Date: Aug 2001
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well.. ive been trying out a bunch of different programs trying to find something that works for what i need, and as it sits right now, ive got sound forge, and that works... basically. i cant loop tracks and record over them while they are running, which makes it very hard to mix tracks togethter(which i havnt been able to do with 100% success) right now im downloading the trial of FL studio and it looks like i'll be able to mix in there, and hopefully record also. sound forge has the effects i was looking for, but wouldnt add them in as a pre-amp, only post-recording making it a little harder to play with those effects(ever try playing without delay and mimicing the sound in your head so it sounds halfassed once mixed )

if you can find that propellerhead drop me a pm or post up here. im looking for anything. computer speed shouldnt be a problem, im running 768mb ram, 2.4 ghz.. running only the music program while recording(i already ran into problems trying to do 2397846123984 things at once with these programs)
Black Vtec Prelude-h22a power'd

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