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Old 01-22-2002, 03:30 PM   #29
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by 97lude
Actually I call BS on you driving an LX civic(Troll),

Your pretty brave to come in here and call BS on my story. First off let me help you out. Don't talk shiat to the moderator its a good way to get yourself banned. Now for your BS call, I can launch at 5000+ due to this great thing call "slipping the clutch". It does take a lot of practice, but I guess you wouldn't know anything about that. Next I've never seen an auto V6 do anywhere close to a 15.5@84. They do have less horsepower than me and wait let me think, yup they weigh 100+ more. I'll let you in on little secret V6 stangs suck. Just because you drive something that looks fast doesn't mean it is fast. Don't get your panties in a bunch next time junior.

No offense bro but from mod to mod you can't ban somone for there opinion and secondly i know some one on Purehonda posted this exact story once before i remember laughing my ass of unless i had deja vu??? oh well just dont throw your mod weight around its not all he did was give you his opinion.