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Old 09-04-2004, 05:52 PM   #37
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Originally posted by AzCivic
yet most agreed it looked like an american airlines plane or airliner of somesort.

and nothing like a missle.

Again...I don't think they were making the contention that it was a missle. A few people said it sounded like a missle while others said it looked like a small passenger jet. Plus I trust pictures...not people. People are stupid...pure and simple. Pictures can be altered, but I've seen all o those pictures before...they just didn't have people pointing the same thing out. And you really think an untrained and inexperienced pilot could fly a 60 ton commercial airliner 2ft off the ground at 530mph (the "official" estimations)? I could be wrong, but at those altitudes and speeds, I'm not even sure a 757 would hold together. They don't even travel that fast generally when they're cruising at 30,000ft and the air's a helluva lot thinner there. Then there's the hole that's much too small for a 757, lack of any debris, no jet fuel even though there should have been...what did it say...something like over 5,000 gallons on board. I just think that if it truely had been a 757 then the pentagon would be half gone. It just doesn't add up. Like I said at the beginning, I'm not making any statement one way or another...I'm just really damn suspicious. And you're right...the music was pretty cool.
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