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Old 08-06-2004, 09:32 PM   #14
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Ok here is the deal with this post. I have an Italian bike that has given me more than my fair share of problems. But its the Italian woman that is driving me FREAKIN CRAZY!!!!!!!!! Before I start this, let me clarify myself, she is a FRIEND. That said here goes.

She has been in an abusive marrige (mentally not physically) for a year and a half. She finally got the balls to leave him and long story short, all she got was her bike. The agreement is ironclad and there is no way to get any money out of the guy. She hasn't found a job since she left him and her bills are stacking up almost as tall as she is. They got seperated 2 months ago and she has negative money to pay her bills and for school and is currently living with a friend of mine until she can get on her feet. She talked to her husband today and he said he would take her back if she gives up riding, all of her friends, school, and basically becomes a Stepford wife. (if any of you saw the movie) She left in the first place because she was abesolutly miserable. She is actually considering going back to him because she is in such financial trouble. I don't have many friends. She is the best one I have and I can't loose her. How bad of a decision would it be for me to support her by myself until she can get on her feet. There is no b/f g/f buisness involved here. I love her as a sister and can not loose her. We have been through hard times together. The most important part of this is that I don't think I will be able to live with myself if I let her go back to him and don't even try to help. It is very drastic, I know. Thats just the kind of friend that I am though. Please tell me if I am stupid or retarded or just a friend.

"Hearts and minds gents.... And if that doesn't work, two in the heart and one in the mind."

"Life drop your pants and let the good times roll!" Mycivicjust8u

Last edited by black95gs-t : 08-06-2004 at 11:18 PM.
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