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Old 07-28-2004, 03:52 PM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: The stixx
Age: 38
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I like the "aggresive" styling they are trying to use to sell the cars. They always struck me as "all bark no bite" kind of cars
me from another forum (im the top geekz0r)
the geekz0r (11:03:46 PM): basicly, look at it this way...the 6speed is the same is the 5speed in 2,3,4,5,and 6...only the speeds are different because of the fd
the geekz0r (11:04:16 PM): so 2nd pulls like 1st in the 5speed, 3rd is like 2nd, etc.
PortugeeTex (11:04:26 PM): so whats 1st like then?
the geekz0r (11:04:49 PM): 1st is like hitting a cheeta in the ass with a tazer
PortugeeTex (11:04:53 PM): lmfao
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