Thread: Skirts
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Old 07-12-2004, 11:26 PM   #39
Posts: n/a
I played basketball for 8 years. Im not on a team right now...but I've been playing my whole life. While I was in Iraq we had an Air Force basketball team who had a league against the Army girls and we smashed on em...ha ha ha...I came back with like...two medals and two certificates and winning MVP baby...YEA!!!! I would have played for college but I wanted money and a car so that overruled...he he he

Guy would shave their legs for basketball...yes. I never knew why...but they did...I actually did know why but I totally forgot the's one thing to shave your legs...but when you start to shave your arms and arm pits...then I'll begin to wonder...I've been so used to guys shaving their legs that it don't bother me anymore to see it...but I don't like it when guys shave other arreas of their beings...
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