Thread: To Be Ready
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Old 07-07-2004, 12:04 AM   #13
Posts: n/a
Im sure none of you guys are ugly and Im sure that all of you guys will eventually find the woman that will fulfill every needs and desires that you may have...yo promesa.
As for me, I think I would be ready for marriage and kids if it were to ever happen. I don't see why I wouldn't be ready...I guess I would be willing to sacrifice some things for marriage and kids if I really wanted them bad enough.
I've been thinking about what some people have to say about they're afraid that their freedom will you'd be tied down...well, I can say that I would want a marriage where we both would be free to do whatever we wanted...the only thing is that we wouldn't go around sleeping with other people. I don't see why people complain about being tied down when all you would need is a mutual agreement to just be able to do whatever and go wherever but just be faithful...that's the kind of marriage I would want...
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