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Old 06-21-2004, 02:33 PM   #12
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Man do I ever love the military

Originally posted by V8killimports
And the people that replace them will know their job just as well.

This is true. The reason they are being discharged is because of the "don't ask don't tell policy" (as I'm sure you know).

That policy is beaten into our/their heads all the way through boot camp, and you are given PLENTY of chances to get out. Regardless of whether you agree with it or not - it is their perogative.

And FYI - the reason that the military is staunchly against homosexuality (in the service) is because it detracts from unit morale, cohesion, and readiness. We had to take sooo many classes on avoiding interpersonal relationships with other people in a wartime environment. Having a homosexual in your squad would really change the dynamics of how the squad works together.

" 'Don't ask, don't tell' allows gays to serve in the military as long as they keep their sexual orientation private and do not engage in homosexual acts."

"About 27 percent of the discharges came from the Navy, 22 percent from the Air Force, and 9 percent from the Marines. " - Notice how most of them came from the Navy.

Does that clarify at all, or are they still completely stupid? Sorry, but when people rag on the military, it pisses me off.

- Dzur
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