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Old 06-16-2004, 09:58 AM   #26
Posts: n/a
WARNING!!! HEED THIS ADVICE!!! Do not... I repeat... DO NOT save yourself 4 marriage... This antiquated ritual is a hand me down from the holistic bible thumpin' days of our fore fathers... And trust me if things go wrong, which they most likely will, you are just setting yourself up for the absolute worst pain that you have ever felt in your life... I speak from experience... I waited until I was 23... yes 23... to have sex with my now ex-wife... and it something that you really never get over, because you saved yourself 4 that one special person, who turned around and ripped your heart out... Love fades away... Pain you just learn 2 cope with... Now this is not by any means me telling you "Hey go out and F@#$ like rabbits. " ... What I am saying is hind sight is 20/20 and you will more than likely reach a point where you will regret having waited (Or there is also the possiblity that once you are married years down the road you might start wondering is it different with someoneelse - disclaimer: This is not what happened in my case my ex just deceided out of the blue that she didn't want 2 be married anymore - and get yourself in trouble - and 2 answer that question 4 you now "Yes it is very different with different people." ) Oh yeah... one last thing... PRACTICE SAFE SEX (std or unplanned pregnancy... you really don't wan't either) - Beanbandit
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