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Old 06-05-2004, 01:45 AM   #17
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Eureka... The light of inspiration has shone upon me once again and it is time 4 Professor Bean 2 expound some more wisdom upon the philosophies of sex... This lesson is targeted 2 all my fellow males in attendance (ladies please feel free 2 agree with or add 2 what I am about 2 profess)... Gentleman, its pretty well granted knowledge that we tend 2 want sex pretty much on a continuous basis (This is instinctual, but that is another lecture on the human/animal psyche that we will converse 2 a greater extent on another day)... Now here is where the philosophy comes into play, so listen closely men... 2 receive more sex (and better sex) you must learn 2 use your big head (the one setting upon your neck that houses your brain) in the bedroom more so than the little one (of course here is where I'll get the posts about "its not little" or " I'm hung like such and such"... first off, just bear in mind that inferiority manifests itself in over exxageration... second off, females are genetically constructed 2 birth children, so when you set down and think about a ten pound little human pushing its way out, trust me fellas "its" little) Instead of worryin' so much about gettin' off then falling 2 sleep, you need 2 learn 2 pay attention 2 details... Learn how to read body signals (which with a little practice is not that hard 2 do) and show the person you are with that you are focused on them and want them 2 enjoy themselves 2... Also get yourself in shape 4 sex... meaning there are techniques 2 improve you stamina, improve your erection, and even improve "your" orgasim as well as that of your partner... Lastly, and this is the hardest part for most guys (kinda like when u r driving and get lost) DON"T BE AFRAID 2 ASK QUESTIONS and let the female direct u 2 "her" right spots... not every person is the same so don't assume u know because its what worked on someone else... basically what this "philosophy" boils down 2 is "PAY ATTENTION" and you will see rewards 4 your efforts... Oh yeah one final note... 2 all u guys who turn your nose at performing oral sex on your partner (but still think you should receive) u r either self centered or 2 self conscious and need 2 grow up... besides u r missing out on one of the best parts of sex... loosen up... trust me guys I'm just tryin' 2 help you get more of what you want (and the same goes 2 all the ladies... if I can get thru most guys thick skulls you will be benefitting from this also ) - The Sexual Therepist, Doctor Bean Westheimer (oh and by the way the guys the next class will be on the importance of aroma, lighting, and how surroundings make or break the mood... I'll also touch base on tactile response and the importance of knowing "how 2 touch") (See Kool Aid told ya' I was gonna get this brew - ha - ha goin' and yes surprise!!! I can also present serious philosophies as well as the corny ones - Beanbandit
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