Thread: not a chance
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Old 04-21-2004, 11:57 AM   #89
3rd Gear
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Orlando, Florida
Age: 43
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I think V8killacop & drgringo should get a room and 69 each other...

Something that I noticed...It was V8 that brought his wife into the thread..." is my wife's car..." or something like that.

"My car is fast!"
"No, Your car is fast, but not fast,fast!"
"My car is .02 faster than you think my car is, because it said it on a paper."
"Show me the paper."
"Get your own paper."
"Your dad is gay."
"Your mother!"
"No, your mother!"

It is like having a big DonkeyDick...yes it is big and strong, but it feared by most women and tends to stay put away, while the average, much smaller wang is hitting ass for weeks...I dontknowwhatdafukimsaying, but anywho, you know what I mean.

Unless you are going to the track or racing in the streets, tenths of secs don't mean shit when the wifey is driving to here Pilates class or going to the dry cleaners...If it does, let me know.

I asked a simple question and never got a reply...When was the last time the wife ran low 14s?

My name is Daviso27, and I own a Mazda...I promise to kick anyone in the balls who says it resembles a focus...My car runs firm 16sec 1/4s...Not as fast as yours, but I never asked. I will be enjoying adding HP with the money I could have used purchasing a car that looks like a strung out VW Beetle that everyone is fusing about...My mission is to find one of those cars on the strip or the street, challenge him and hand him /her his ass...even if I have to cheat, swerve and/or cause an accident...In conclusion, I know want to be known as Daviso3 "hater of all" "ZoomZoom" Bnager.
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