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Old 04-14-2004, 11:38 AM   #9
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Re: What to do when her friends get in the way...?

Originally posted by highlander
How do you do when your sig others' friends are a negative influence to your relationship? I gotta learn how to combat this in the future so I don't let it get the best of the next girl that I fall for...

Well, first off, make sure you are friends with her friends - this is very important. . . even if you cant stand them, act like you love them. This is because her friends will give her advice / opinions on you, and you want those things to help you not hurt you.

And about the whole "living life" thing - you are 20 - any girl you meet between the ages of 18 - 22 is 99% likely to be a complete slut . . . . dont sweat it, if you are with somebody who wants to leave, let them, and if you are with somebody who is real clingy and attatched to you, dont be the same way back even if you are totally crazy about them. . . . "hold on when you feel like letting go, but let go when you feel like holding on." - me
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