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Old 04-13-2004, 11:21 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
Age: 42
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Well...first of all you've got to try and get in good with the friends so they know you and like you. That way they don't shun you and talk bad behind your back to her. If that option fails, you tell them they can suck your cock and if they keep messing with your relationship horrible things will happen to them as well as their friends and family. Some friends will talk that kinda shit even if they do like you. That girl you just quoted sounds like one of your typical Ani DiFranco worshipping non-leg shaving dumbass feminazi whores (sorry ladies...there's nothing wrong with a point). Not much you can do about that...she's probably convinced you're contributing to the whole "true cult of womanhood" ideal (it's sociology folks...look it up) and she'll bash you simply because you're a guy. The only possible thing to do in these situations is to make these chicks realize that these friends suck and they'll never be happy with any guy she hooks up with. Oh...and avoid long distance relationships at all costs. Youir absense only contributes to this sort of trash talking since you're not readily available to defend yourself by way of a swift smack in the face (to her friends, of course). should never hit a lady but there's nothing wrong with hitting a woman.
1984 1/2 Mustang GT350 #842, Faster than you...nuff said

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