Thread: Men vs. Women
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Old 03-08-2004, 10:45 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
I dont think its completelty a enviroment or an issue of your ingrainted values I cant remeber what its called (where's pych 110 when i need it ) but the jist of it is that we as men and women have differnt inhernet goals and needs. Men need to be able to ensure the survival of our jeens so we try to have as many parteners as possible and we want those partners to be faithful to use ( hey i never said we were rational ) women on the other hand want to know that the partner they chose is a sutable amte I.E. he wil be able to provide for the baby and support his family needless to say those are very differnt goals and lead to rather intersting situations but this is the dry clinical explaation if only it were that simple

No one eles is probly going to get this unless they watch the red green show ( thast right I watch PBS tell ya how mch time I got doesnt it) Im man and I can Change....... If i have to ....... I guess
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