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Old 02-25-2004, 10:27 PM   #23
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
Age: 42
Posts: 7,451
^^'s a pretty moot point really. As for you know what, you're right. I've got nothing better after a day of school, work, and shop time than to come home and think of ways to make BS posts for the enjoyment of people I will most likely never meet. If you'd bothered to read my last post in one of my other threads you whored up, you'd know when I race in my SONOMA (not attention), which is admittedly rare, I get shut down quite often. And, as is also stated in the above mentioned thread is that this is a section for KILLs, not losses. Sure, sometimes people post about getting waxed by a cool car, but by and large it's a section for wins. If you look back at my posts in this forum, you'll see that a while back a modded LS6 Chevelle owned by a friend did pull on me (we went back and forth until we shut down). As for slips...there's a few reaons you've never seen my slips. First of all, I don't have access to a scanner. Secondly, I'm not a slip whore. I don't feel the need to save every slip that I get to make myself feel better. I just go out next time hoping that I can run faster. Third, there have been few occassions where I've actually gotten slips. Technically I shouldn't be allowed to race on a track (and am usually turned away at organized events) because of state-mandated non-performance modifications, the biggest problem of which being that my shifter has no lock in it. Well...that and I steer with my left foot (it's a lot to go into as for why and I'd like to save as much time as possible). I honestly don't see why you feel the need to post crap like this and criticise all of the posts I make. If you don't like it or don't buy it...leave it alone.

On a side note...I've never seen a Jackson Racing blower for a Mustang...any pics of it or net links? Also, 4.30s are 8.8" gears, not 9" gears. 9" rears use 4.29s. Not a huge difference but a mechanic should know cause if you ordered 4.30s you'd be screwed.
1984 1/2 Mustang GT350 #842, Faster than you...nuff said

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Someday, in the event that mankind actually figures out what it is that this world actually revoles around, thousands of people are going to be shocked and perplexed that it was not them. Sometimes this includes me.

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