Thread: You pick
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Old 02-07-2004, 06:36 PM   #30
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by BlackWolf
I finally went bald about six months ago after shaving and keeping it neat and I'll NEVER go back! Yes, it's waxed, Yes it does hurt the first few times but not much after that. Yes, you get MUCH more sensation when you bump uglies and Yes, it feels sooo good to wear jeans with no chonies. You want to talk about sensation! I normally don't wear any except for when my aunt vists but DAUMN! I got sooo turned on the first time I did that after getting waxed........

Yeah, a friend of mine would definitely agree with you on all that! Except she doesn't wax, she just shaves. She always liked going commando and doing the squeeze trick while at work, she just does it more and enjoys it more now that she shaves.....or so she says. Dammit, I wanna be a girl! I guess there needs to be some tradeoff for periods and childbirth.

I voted shaved because that's probably my favorite of them all, but I'm not exclusive about it. I don't mind the au natural thing as long as she keeps good hygeine. And it's different for different girls, some just naturally have more hair than others.....

I need to find a woman.

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