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Old 01-15-2004, 06:45 PM   #2
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ah the worst relationship...mine's on going considering I can't fully get over the guy. I'm pathetic!!!! We're great as friends....not so good at the relationship end.

We met 3 yrs ago this coming May. He wanted a relationship, I didn't. So we sorta just talked on the phone and went out occassionally. Well I found out well after he broke up with me that he started doing hardcore drugs again that same summer. I had noticed that he was acting differently and what not, but I didn't know what was wrong and I really didn't push the issue. Well like in late Aug, early Sept that yr, I decided that I wanted to persue a relationship with him (not knowing about the drug usage of course)....but at this point he really wasn't interested in one. So like a month or so later (on my 21st bday actually) we decided that we'd both like to persue something. He had stopped using at this point. Well things were ok for a lil while and then like around Thanksgiving things started to get weird again. The 2nd week of december, my finals week, comes and I get a call from one of his really good friends....telling me that he went to jail. Well now...that should have been the straw that broke the camel's back....but it wasn't. I told him that I couldn't handle being put in that sort of situation and what not and that I thought we should break up. Well somehow he convinced me to stay with him. So things were going well until about the end of January when he sorta stopped paying attention to me. He ended up breaking up with me on instant messenger (yah he didn't even have the balls to do it in person or at least over the phone!!!) by telling me that he wasn't good enough for me.

The kid totally broke my heart....more than a couple of times. I've forgiven him cuz well that's what I'm supposed to do....but it still sucks. We're still pretty good friends, we see each other out on occassion and still talk online and stuff. He knows what he did to me and still apologizes to this day about it.

But yep...that's my worst relationship. I haven't really had too many past that one though....well yah I've only had 1 other one and that one only lasted 3 months too.
"Oh, I have a goal. And it's to have no goals at all."
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