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Old 01-15-2004, 02:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
Age: 42
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Your absolute worst relationship everyone's had a bad relationship at some point in time where you got screwed over or needlessly hurt by another person, so let's here your worst (and no, hanging out outside their house with night vision goggles doesn't count...learned that one the hard way )

Mine...well...I hooked up with this girl from California and after seeing each other for a little less than a year we moved in together. Bad call. She was bipolar and had the craziest mood swings (she refused to take her meds). Like one second she'd get pissed at me for the littlest nothing kinda things, end up blowing up, throwing stuff around the apartment (not at me...just around) then she'd clean up and 30 minutes later apparently she'd be so over it she'd be all over me wanting to have sex. She was also really clingy...the only time I had to myself when I was at the apartment was in the shower (and even that wasn't gauranteed) so I ended up taking like 4 showers a day just to have some time to myself. Couldn't say anything in fear of her blowing up again. Then she went back to Cali to visit family on Thanksgiving and ended up cheating on me with an ex boyfriend...15 minutes after we talked on the phone (nice to know I'm so easy to forget about). Her excuse was that her manic depression made her sexually impulsive (which I can vouch for) and that she didn't feel like I loved her as much as she loved me...which is apparently why she begged me to forgive her and take her back. So I kicked her out...that was over 3 years ago and to this day I still have yet to hook up with anyone in any way, shape, or form. *sigh*
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