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Old 01-12-2004, 01:28 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
That's an interesting story GT and I totally agree with you on most of the points that you made. It's an entirely too senstitive world we live in where everyone is doing their best to make anything that happens somehow about themselves being oppressed or some other such nonsense.

Now the question is what do we do? It's a sin to be a white male at this point in history.

Ben Folds said it best I think: "Y'all don't know what it's like, being male, middle class and white."

Ya better watch out 'cause he's gonna say ****.

One thing though GT, you mentioned somewhere in your original post that it might be some kinda reverse racism. That is a term I hear somewhat frequently and I have to say it angers me. When it happens to a white person it's not reverse racism and it's not reverse discrimination. It is racism. It is discrimination. If it were the reverse of either of those, there would be no problem.

It is that sort of attitude that gets the white folk in trouble I think. A term like reverse racism makes it sound like we think we're better than anyone else. If something bad happens to you because you are white, it's racism pure and simple. Not reverse racism because it used to happen the other way around and now it's happening to us. Makes white folk sound dumb and arrogant all at once.
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