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Old 12-31-2003, 05:24 PM   #31
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Civickid0to60
Alright heres what I dont get about anyone.....

Example...GT40fied's car isnt about the looks cause honestly he doesnt care about the looks just the speed.

so in this case people are like aw man your car looks like a POS your slow. So basically noone acknowledges that he could have mods or a really fast ass car.

same thing in my case on the opposite end.

example. i care about looks and power, kids come up to me car looks nice but you shoulda put that money under the hood, all show no go.

this happens with every kind of car enthusist. and it ****ing sucks.

oh and illusion, your new to the board and i mean......your car has wood grain in the dash...not exactly a "mean machine" its people like you that i cant reason because you are the kind of guy who will down both ends of the stories above, you would down my car, and GT40's. But, at least we have things in our car that actually improve some kind of performance.....for instance your subs....dont add HP believe it or not, and your "dress up kit" under the hood doesnt make your engine any cooler, faster, or add HP. Your the kind of person who puts in a headlight conversion, and thinks his car is bad as did do that?! hahaha. Get out of here kid,man,boy,or child whichever you prefer to be. Put it this way, your car is a luxury car its supposed to look nice.......for old people. GT40's is a muscle car its supposed to be a sleeper of sorts, but not to people who actually know what the **** their talking about when it comes to cars.

thats all i gotta say. peace.

Hmmmm. You read all of that into me? Ok. I supposed the 53 bel air I rebuilt myself wasn't anything, nor the 280z with a 350 conversion. Times have changed and I have a kid to look after, So doing little things to my car means I'm a lessor person? Maybe my little riceboy turbo lude before the Accord was just another attempt at being cool. Spending 15 minutes to spray paint the ugly plastic engine covers after I put CL-S cams and throttle body in is a bad thing? I do stuff to my car that I like to do, and that I have time to do, I'm an engineer with my MSCS and BSEE(one more semester of night school and I'll have my MBA as well), I enjoy tinkering on cars, but I also need them to be dependable these days, and I don't have time for major projects. I did a headlight conversion because I drive a mountain road every day to and from work and needed to see better while not blnding the crap out of the oncoming traffic, so I'm lessor for taking the time to retrofit audi projectors into my headlights instead of just slapping in a cheap HID kit and calling it a day, or worse putting in a set of blue coated bulbs so I look cool? Also you have to think what's important to the individual, my point for the accord is comfortable, with entertainment for the kid in the back, and relatively peppy. I never had money for a system, or other little cute crap when I was younger, so this car was making up for the past. The year I got the accord I had to make a comprimise, get rid of my lude(since I had no back seat) sell my bel air since all it was doing was wasting my money, and buy something that would be a nice car for a few year, and I got just that, although I bought the bike last year because I needed speed again.

And no I wouldn't think someone's car was anything less than it is. I would think yours is shit because you're obviously an asshole, but frankly I like GT's stang, and I like my buddy's probes(he has 2 of them, one noewhere near streetable, and the other his daily driver).

Before you make ASSumptions of people making a complete ass of yourself try to feel the ground a bit better. I'm such a riceboy that for the past month I've been searching high and low for a new car. I've narrowed it down to a few. I've had my eye on G35 sedan for a while, but it's not doing anything for me these days, so right now my #1 pick is a GTO(test drove one monday, and it's pretty damn nice) or I say hell with it and just get a trailblazer and ditch my accord and my truck, and run over little turds like you instead of arguing with them.

One key note, using hate towards someone is a very strong word BOY and will get you a pretty strong response. So stick your head back up your ass and retort when you have a clue. Also as far as me being new to the board, note your registration date and mine.

I did my first motor transplant when you were still sucking your thumb, I still remember it vividly as well, a 350 transplant into a babyshit green 72 toyota landcruiser, that thing was a beast, best truck I ever had, that was my first car ever. My dad bought the truck with a shot motor, and from the time I was 14 till I had my license we wrenched and tweaked on it. Took it on the rubicon run twice before I got rid of it. My most recent transplant was 3 months ago helping a co-worker put a 351 in his 84 bronco II. So your assumtions of me knowing nothing of cars has gone out the window. My part time job while I was in school was the shop manager of speed shop, so I must not know my ass from a hole in the ground.

TTFN, have a nice day. I do what I like to my car, you do what you like to your car, and everyone is happy.
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