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Old 12-05-2003, 09:27 AM   #4
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putting it bluntly...F*ck what other people say. Everyone has an opinion...but only you know what you want out of life and in the person that you want to be with. Your friends might think she's a goodie goodie with no friends and a tendency to be annoying, but that is just because they don't give her a chance and don't get to know the real her. If you like this girl, ask her out on a date. If you're that worried about your friends giving you a hard time, don't tell them. Ask her out, go out with her and see if you truely like her. Then if you think that it's going to become something long-term or what not, then tell your friends. If they truely are your friends, they'll support you know matter what. Trust me on that one. The last guy I dated, my friends didn't like, but they still supported me and were there for me when it ended. That's what true friends do.
"Oh, I have a goal. And it's to have no goals at all."
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