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Old 11-21-2003, 03:32 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
I'm 25 and unfortunately I must say I've barely played the field and am starting to question whether I truly know what I want in a woman or not. Seems to me the ones I find that I think are great I end up having major issues with in some manner or another......longest relationship...6 months.

But I know exactly what you're talking about. I've gotten that stuff before too. I can understand the whole "I love you like a brother" thing, but I've seen good guys get treated like shit by girls who I would have suspected of being good girls, the girls who sit around and b*tch there aren't any good guys left. They had the good guy, treated him like shit, then went out for the asshole and ended up b*tching that there aren't good guys. What gives?

I'm starting to believe that I won't meet a woman under 30, and even then it's a stretch whether I'd be able to get along with her. I think I'm just incompatible with females or something. haha....sad but true.

It's hard to be the good guy all the time, and I'm finding it harder and harder to be the good guy. Then again, I barely interact with females these days anyways.....

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