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Old 11-12-2003, 01:54 PM   #20
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by GT40FIED
That's the problem. I refuse to just walk away from someone I feel is in trouble. I just need to figure out a way to do that doesn't involve screwing myself over.

Then try to not like her or get attatched to her. Try to value her as a friend or a sister, not someone you like.

Sure it's easier said than done....but if you want to help other people it can be real hard to help or protect yourself at the same time.

My basic approach is to take peace in knowing I helped someone, whether they realize it or not. That's all I can do sometimes, because people don't always konw that they've been helped and I'm not the one to go tootin my own horn for credit. I'd rather have someone as a good friend who's in a happy relationship than one who's in a bad relationship. Considering how I don't tend to do so well with relationships, I basically consider that I have gained a friend for life rather than a girlfriend for a few months.

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