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Old 10-25-2003, 03:20 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Does the girl that you thought you had a good relationship with know that she's pissing you off? Or are you just getting pissed off at her because you realized that the friendship isn't as strong as you thought it was?

Our relationsihp has a complex history. I personally think we have huge communication problems, among a long list of other issues.

Simple example, I wasn't telling anybody what my cheesy halloween costume was, I was just gonna wear it in to work (only like 2 or 3 people even know I'm dressing up in the first place). She'd keep saying "so you're not going to tell me what you're wearing?" and of course I'd replay "I'm just going to wear it in, nothing big, don't want any hype so I'm just not telling anybody what it is." Then it's starting to be a big deal, yadda yadda yadda and ends up with her saying "The fact you won't tell anybody (methinks implying her only) what your halloween costume is underscores some things I've been thinking." WTF is that supposed to mean??? But then of course she's too busy to tell me what those things are.

She's made so many comments before that just irk the crap out of me. She thinks she's got it all figured out and she's just as clueless as I am. But she comes to these conclusions (about me) without ever asking or discussing with me, and of all the ones I've heard so far that we have discussed, she was dead wrong with ALL of them.

We seem to go through cycles. We've had a lot of good times together, but right now the friendship is in a deep rut. She doesn't even think I consider her a friend. Another wonderful conclusion she's drawn. She has a tendency to twist my words or extremely misunderstand them sometimes.....she thinks I've said I don't consider her a friend. Totally not true. She knows right now that I'm not super thrilled since I told her Friday that, regardless of how she feels about me, sometimes she comes across as caring a lot and ohers she comes across as not even caring I exist. I know she cares for me, but sometimes it's real hard to believe at the time.....and now she thinks I've "cut into her" by saying that. Of course she knows how she feels, she can read her own mind....I can't read it, I can only go by what's presented to me. And sometimes she comes across very negatively toward me.

But she shuts me out of so much of her life that it's hard to get to know her better. She knows 10X more about me than vice versa.....I don't particularly care for the imbalance of the friendship.

I just don't understand her at all. She frustrates me very much sometimes. And other times I just love spending time with her and we have a blast and you'd never know of the friction between us......

These days it's work, not home, keeping me in. I meet lots of's just that I meet them all at work. I know I need to get out more, and I'm slowly trying to pick up pace on that endeavor. But I'm pretty much stuck in a bad position at work for a while to come, so not much getting out for me.

What's the best way to hit on a waitress? There is 1 waitress at a brewery restaurant in town who I'm very attracted to......

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