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Old 10-25-2003, 11:28 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by hondaman-iac
yeah, elaborate a bit. girls are nice and ok as long you are not dating them. same goes with kids :o

You date kids? Freaky. :o

Well the total story is just too cumbersome to get into. But I'm thinking the foundation of my problem is that it's been way too long since I've had a female friend who I know I can trust and have a good deep friendship with.

Since HS the only girls I've had much interaction with have been run-of-the-mill friends (or more like acquaintances) or someone I've been in a relationship with. Considering how I'm single, I think you know how the relationships went. Just about every one of the girls has managed to get under my skin in one way or another. I think I'm just defective.

And my biggest complication of them all is that right now I don't feel as though I have any true, serious friends who are local. To me a real friendship is a lot more than just going to a movie here and there or catching a beer after work every now and then. One of the people who I thought I had a pretty good friendship with....well, that's just complicated, but she's just royally pissing me off right now....and to make matters worse, I work with her although a little indirectly.

The other problem is that almost everybody I know.....I work with. It's depressing.

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