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Old 10-24-2003, 02:40 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: York
Age: 43
Posts: 2,542's that time of year again

It's going to be a lot of this weekend. Every year I make a big deal out of my birthday...cuz well I like getting older. and it gives my girls and I a "reason" to get trashed. They help make a big deal out of it too. They call all of our friends to get them to go out too. So starting at probably around 8ish there's gonna be some pre-gaming going on at Erin's apartment and then we're off to the club. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day of recovering and more partying that night. I can't wait. It's been at least a good 4 months ago since I've drank hard (I wasn't planning on drinking that much that just sorta happened). Then Sunday is recovering during the Halloween Parade my city has. (It's the best ever!!!)

What's everyone else doing on this coming lovely fall weekend???
"Oh, I have a goal. And it's to have no goals at all."
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