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Old 09-26-2003, 09:52 AM   #24
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Okay, there are some people in this world who don't do it, but I'd say the majority in our society do it, guys and girls. It's just that they guys are more open about it. You can almost bet that if you walked up to a girl and told her you'd give her $50 bucks if she admitted to masterbating, and she'd say no. But she did it just the nicht before. It's actually healthy for a woman to do this. If a woman is having trouble having an orgasm, it's reccomended by doctors and sex therapists to start by masturbating by herself, then bringing the man in on it. A good thing about it is she can do it, then do you right after. Oh, and a well kept secret by women, ya know how we can't do it when we have a headache? Well, doctors have proven ( I don't know how or why) that masturbating and/or having sex (as long as you orgasm) can actually relieve headaches? Something about relieveng tension and stress, and some hormone that helps. But it does work. No more Tylenol for me, I just need to see my hubby...........
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