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Old 09-26-2003, 01:11 AM   #209
Posts: n/a
Ahhh...I like to see a forum full of ignorance....As I can see from most of the posts, "except from those slight few" really understand the circumcision topic... Circumcisions have gone back from the days before even Alexander the Great, and now have just reemerged itself back into society BIG time within the last decade or so, predominantly with the Baby Boomers. And now in our day, everyone believes "MOSTLY WOMEN", that that's exactly how a males penis is suppose to be "because they've never seen it portrayed any other way but cut". Well now for the information part: All males are born with a foreskin. It was there naturally when we emerged from the womb and it suits a purpose, whether or not anyone agrees with me is purely based on your own personal interpretations...I've done a good deal of research on this topic before. The only reason why I did the research was because I felt ashamed that I was the only one out of all of my friends who was uncircumcised. "Or at least, that’s what all men tell one another". By the time I hit the books, and looked around for my own answers, I found out that women indeed do find the foreskin to be a more pleasurable..."If your lucky enough", the foreskin has the ability to move over the head and back again in conjunction with thrusts, this creates what I would best describe as a ribbed feeling in the vagina, thus creating a smooth rippling sensation on the upper wall, "from my own clinical trials I conducted with 5 different woman, Hmm, cough* cough*"........... Hehe, anyhow! As far as the smell goes, there is no difference in smell from a circumcised male than one that isn't UNLESS that male isn't hygienically fit. It is true that uncircumcised males must take care of themselves, but no more often than a circumcised male would. In this case, it would be "quality over quantity", In mine, I like quality and quantity. I believe that people in this generation have grown up with a misconstrued outlook on a males’ genitalia, expecially women. Ignorance is a natural occurance and shouldn't be punished, but! definetly educated. Stay tune kiddo's for the next show "clits or tits? Who knows!"

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