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Old 09-22-2003, 06:05 PM   #95
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
Age: 42
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Originally posted by Accord17
ya, i want to get a tattoo very soon

I say get one and get it over with. Once you get one it becomes like an addiction. I figured I'd just get a small one on the upper right part of my chest (a copyright symbol with "1981" under it...the year I was born). Then I wanted one on my arm so I got a cobra like the emblems on Cobra Mustangs. Then I got my whole back done after my dad died. Since he was cremated he didn't get an epitaph so it say "R.I.P BLH (his initials)" and under that it says "and the heavens shall honor those stars that shine not the longest but those that shine the brightest". That one hurt like a bastard but the other two weren't too bad. The back was done in three 6 hour sessions. And don't listen to those whiney little pussies who'll tell you they hurt anywhere you get them. Just in certain places. The back was the worst for me because you have to listen to the needle click on your backbone when they go over the middle. Also, anywhere where there's prodominantly muscle will your leg or (if you're ripped) your arms.
1984 1/2 Mustang GT350 #842, Faster than you...nuff said

Anna Fan Club President/Dictator

Someday, in the event that mankind actually figures out what it is that this world actually revoles around, thousands of people are going to be shocked and perplexed that it was not them. Sometimes this includes me.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." - George Orwell

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