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Old 09-06-2003, 01:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
Age: 42
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FINALLY....A race worth writing home about usually when I'm driving the Mustang I don't get much shit 'cause it looks pretty stock and isn't too loud due to the turbo. But it's back in Kansas City while I'm in school so it only gets driven every other weekend or so (down here I've got the wicked '01 your ass...there's a small possibility it could bark the tires if I floored it). Well...there was a car show up at a Sonic there last weekend so I decided to go check it out. Low and behold I run into my old friend Dick. Dick is in his late 50s probably, but he used to help his wife do custodial stuff at my old job and he used to have a pretty damn good job setting up dealerships and he owns about a dozen cool cars (a turbo'ed 350 Belair, a twin turbo Calloway Corvette, a '67 Fairlane Thunderbolt GT w/ a 427, etc. etc.). But that day he's showing his Chevelle LS6. He tells me he's thinking about selling it and just had the motor redone. All he'd say was the heads got ported, new intake, carb, and cam. When I ask what kind or for specs he just smiles this shit-eating grin. So he says he wants to have a little fun with it before he sells it and he knows my car (hell...he helped put some of it together) so we find a deserted stretch of road and line up. He KILLS me off the line 'cause I pulled the front end a bit but once the boost kicked in I started to pull a bit and at 3rd gear we pulled nose to nose. By 4th gear we still hadn't moved an inch on each other so we shut it down around 115mph. I told him if he sold that car I'd put a price on his head. Guess I'm just lucky it wasn't the Calloway...HIS car was used in a Motor Trend article and was official clocked at over 200mph. It's scary can get it up to 30mph in first and nail the throttle and spin through 2nd and 3rd and hook in 4th if you're lucky. Ahhhh....good races make life worth living.
1984 1/2 Mustang GT350 #842, Faster than you...nuff said

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Someday, in the event that mankind actually figures out what it is that this world actually revoles around, thousands of people are going to be shocked and perplexed that it was not them. Sometimes this includes me.

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