Thread: goin crazy
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Old 07-25-2003, 06:27 PM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Age: 42
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Alright man..I understand what you're going through...but it's nothing a million other people haven't done before. No offense, but you sound like you're one good cry away from being a chick. I was away from my g/f for over 6 months and things turned out just like they would have if she hadn't been gone (we were together for a year afterwards). Not to over simplify, but you really have no control over this so why worry? Sure, she could come back with some life changing plan that no longer involves you, but what are you gonna do if she does? I'm kind of curious about why she hasn't told her parents yet...if she really loved you I'd think she'd be ready to take on her parents, consequences be damned. Sure, it's a different culture and blah blah blah but honestly, how long do you think you can be with this girl before they need to know? You plan on getting married and having kids without telling them? But I seriously think you're getting too worked up over can't control the actions of other people, only ready yourself for their implications so why bother?
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