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Old 07-23-2003, 12:50 AM   #50
1st Gear
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Age: 42
Posts: 41
Two words STUDENT LOANS haha. J/K I can't wait til I'm done school so I can get a real job. But for now I work for a contracted company that works under MCI. So when you guys call that 1800# and snap b/c of a high bill. I'll just laugh and sell you a higher plan, and send you guys on your way. On the side I work on web pages, and computers my first major. After my grandpa's death I moved in with my awesome Grandma to keep her company. So that eliminated rent, food, utilities right there. I put my car insurance under my parents name. And take dates to McDonalds whenever I can and use the words I'm living on a student budget HAHAHA
I'm Canadian They Think I'm Slow Eh!
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