Thread: fastest car
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Old 06-22-2003, 05:45 PM   #36
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by guywithastang
the sledgehammer was a production car. and it was made in more numbers than the mclaren F1

you are absolutely 110% full of shit, the sledgehammer was a joint between callaway and lingenfelter. callaway did the body and lingenfelter did the drivetrain for him. it is a one-of-a-kind. only one and not another. sold to a japanese collector for around $500,000 american dollars. 880 hp at the tires, TT 350 chevy built to a 383 and a doug nash 4+3 trans (i think the trans is correct, age and alcohol does bad things to a memory). torque numbers i dont know, and it did 254mph on a superspeedway track, was so street docile that they said that you could send your mom to the grocery store in it. in order to get the car up to 250 they had to fashion ducts for the turbos for more air, at the high speeds the aerodynamics sucked air out to the vents so the turbos were not getting sufficent air. anything else? oh yeah and it was not a zr-1--i think thats what you are thinking about.
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