Thread: Yoda vs. Neo
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:24 PM   #1
'87 integra
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Yoda vs. Neo I work at a video store, Hollywood Video to be exact, and some nights it is very slow. So some of the guys, you know since were nerds and shit, think of dumb stuff, so we thought lets think of people and/or characters and make them fight another person and/or character. We came up with a few dumb ones, such as Bruce Willis the size of Godzilla Vs. Godzilla himself and then we would debate on who would win. And we would do this a with a bunch of different characters and such.
Then we got to Neo from the Matrix vs. Yoda from Star Wars, and well we debated and debated on who would win. We could never agree on the same answer. We would ask customer after customer on who they think would win and they would all say different answers and different reasons so we would debate that too. We could never come up with an answer, and we still argue about it every
So... let me know who you guys think would win the fight, Neo or Yoda, and give your reasons on who you think too.
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